Making Solar Easy and Effortless
Lowest price given within one conversation
* Most advanced AI technology with Colorado's best in house installers.
* On average our prices are lower than others.
Our excellent AI will calculate the cost of installing solar for your home.
Primo solar and electrical is essential to every service we provide.
Tier 1 solar panels
Premium all black 4 handed solar panels
Premium Services
Roofing and electrical
Solar Instillation
30 year Warranty
Certified Draco Employees
Licensed Installers
Top Quality in House Sales Rep
Draco Solar provides premium services starting with our quality in-house sales rep. We provide top of the line solar designs, accustomed to your roof, best fit to capture the most sunlight.
Real Time Pricing-
A phone call for pricing and scheduling, and open availability to answer any questions.
Top Of The Line Design-
Our certified installers create efficient designs to optimize your power intake.
Non- Independent Sales-
Ditch the impersonal sales, get your needs met with our team.
At Draco Solar we deeply care that our customers are informed of the processes for installing solar, and the benefits that follow. Live well knowing the solar panels on your roof are increasingly affordable and provide energy day or night.
Solar Energy is a fantastic way to help the environment, you reduce carbon emissions, collect energy from the sun, and save the natural beauty which surrounds us. Preserve the beauty in Colorado, and call us today to see if your home is good for Solar.